Saturday, January 10, 2009

Quick Fly-by. Bye Bye.

I've got some really good stuff for you. You might even call it news. It comes complete with useful information and a photo or two. It will change all of your future visits to Brussels. Unfortunately I don't have time at the moment to share it. You'll have to wait a bit longer. Tomorrow or Monday, I think.

I'm off in a few minutes to watch a friend homebrew. Yes, homebrewing in Brussels if you can believe it. Here's all I know: He hasn't brewed in a few years. It will be all-grain, since that seems to be the only viable option in Belgium unless you want to use those Brewferm kits ("the ones for kids and Japanese tourists" as a local put it to me once). Also, he plans to dry hop.

I'm bringing a few interesting bottles to share for the privilege of looking over his shoulder and asking tons of impertinent questions.


  1. Brew Strong and mash well...
    It would be fun to do a brew next time I am in Brussels with you. We could brew a celebratory beer for your new arrival...Saison de Enfant? Take care I am off to Shanghai tomorrow in search of Asian not really its just for work.

  2. Enjoy Shanghai! Actually I think there are a few brewpubs there now...

  3. The homebrew looks good so far! I think I got around 71% mash efficiency, which I think is pretty darn good all things considered. I did forget the Irish moss, but it's not a disaster. The cascade arrived from the USA yesterday, so I'm ready to dry hop this weekend when I transfer to the secondary. Yum! I love cascade dry-hopped.

    There was a strange side-effect following this brewing session. For about a day, everything seem to taste a bit of malt and smell a bit of hops.
