Thursday, February 2, 2012

Costa Rica Gets First Craft Brewers Association.

We're getting way past the point where I need to say, "Hey, look, there is a craft beer culture starting to develop in Costa Rica!" It's the fact of the matter. Witness the development of civil society at its thirstiest.

More interesting now is where this nascent local beer culture goes from here. There is an announcement related to that, but first the news...

The Asociación de Cerveceros Artesanales de Costa Rica -- Costa Rica's Association of Craft Brewers -- is a reality in name, if not quite legally. Fourteen brewers, pro and amateur, met on Sunday to form the group at the Bodega de Chema. This meeting laid the groundwork for formal registration with the government. (Remember, this is a very bureaucratic country and there's a certain way to do things, and that way usually involves paying lawyers.)

The group's goals: (1) to promote the culture and growth of craft beer; (2) to promote the responsible enjoyment of that beer; (3) to support the country's craft beer businesses; (4) to provide services for members, such as improving the brewers' technical know-how; and (5) to promote friendship, solidarity and social responsibility among its members.

It's not cheap to get a lawyer and register an association, so the group has to raise some money. That's where the announcement comes in.

Plans are in the works for Costa Rica's first festival de cerveza artesanal... April is looking likely at the moment. Got to keep things vague until things are finalized, but there will be more details soon. Costa Rica's Craft Brewing, generously, is taking the lead in organizing the event. Proceeds will go to the association. Stay tuned.

So, a craft brewers' assoiation and a craft beer festival. Can it be long before there's a Costa Rica Craft Beer Week? Maybe we should just go ahead and declare it now. Plan your surfing tours and eco-vacations around it.


  1. Hi Joe,
    Thanks for your efforts to further the beer culture in Costa Rica. We returned from our second trip to Dominical this month and have been pleased that we’ve found decent beer at the local grocery stores. It’s nice to be able to drink Duvel at the poolside! Our favorite local beer was Libertas. It seems that our impressions of locales and beers tend to be similar to yours. We have purchased “Around Brussels in 80 Beers” and are looking forward to using it when we travel to Belgium in summer.
    Kelly Busse and Dave Alsgaard
    Michigan, USA

  2. Hey guys I love to see this. I am from Colorado and Kansas City, MO where we love our beer in both places. I just moved to Turrialba, Costa Rica and want to try to dabble in the beer making process here in the tropics. I dont know where to get supplies so if I could get some ideas that would be great. (looking for malt, barley, ale yeast, and the stuff to make it in.)

    my email is

    If I could get a little help that would be amazing!

    Damon Arredondo

  3. Found the association online, but it's in Argentina. Local contact info? Looking for bottling company for small production, and to promote my friend's microbrew out of Hermosa.
    Salute, Dave
    Encontró la línea de asociación, pero es en la Argentina. Información de contacto local? Mirando para el embotellado de la empresa para la producción de pequeñas, y para promover la cerveza artesanal de mi amigo de Hermosa.

  4. ooops. as per last post, my email is (local contact info CR)

  5. Hi Dave, contact Luis Arce at TicoBirra, AFAIK the organization is still working on becoming official but Luis is leading those efforts.
