Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This Is My 300th Post, and This Is What I Choose to Do With It.

I choose to share this rather vanilla photo of the newly installed bottling line at the soon-to-launch Brasserie de la Senne in Brussels (photo courtesy of Yvan De Baets). Because it means we're just a little bit closer to a day a lot of us have been anticipating for quite a while.

"Soon-to-launch." Damn. As Yvan told me, "I don't give any date no more as we've always been wrong..."

But I like dates. Or at least months. I even offer one in an upcoming DRAFT article. We'll see if it turns out to be correct. I wouldn't bet my donuts on it. But things are looking good over there, in Molenbeek. The number of real, working breweries in Brussels is about to double (current total: one). And besides more Senne beer on the market, there will be a new place to visit in Brussels. The idea is to have a tasting café where visitors can sit and sip and watch the brewers in action. Or in inaction. Depending.

Meanwhile, may all your cups runneth over with Taras Boulba. May your thirsts guide you toward new places and new paths. And may you be patient with another 300 posts of tips, news, pics, jokes, shameless plugs and overly long titles.


  1. Congrats on #300!

    I'd raise a Taras Boulba to ya, but I can't find it. I'm hoping for greater distribution soon.

  2. As an aside, I was in Portland recently when I suddenly needed to track down a Taras Boulba for a photo. Called or visited every decent bottle shop and beer bar in town. No dice. But Concordia Alehouse had it on draft for like $8 a glass. The "pumpclip" was black and white label art printed off the Internet. What a shit photo.

  3. We have it in bottles in Madison, WI but supplies are running out...
