Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Where to Find Cantillon Sorbet in Brussels.

The Châtelain is a trendy neighborhood in the Ixelles commune, south of central Brussels. The young and/or well-heeled go there to sit outside and sip Stella, munch on Italian food, and watch each other walk by. The Place du Châtelain is at its friendliest on Wednesday evenings, when the same folks descend on its mostly overpriced open-air market for sausages, oysters and glasses of white wine.

Sometimes we walked down there for a beer, or to check out the market. More often we walked down that way for ice cream.

Strolling past the bars and boutique gift shops that line Rue du Bailli from the Sainte Trinité church toward Avenue Louise, look for the big ice cream cone on the left. This is one of a few excellent glaciers in a part of town that seems to excel in them (Zizi and Il Gelato on Rue Vanderkindere are also popular with locals).

What makes Framboisier Doré especially interesting to us is the regular presence of two sorbets--Cantillon Gueuze and Kriek--sold by the scoop or in frozen blocks wrapped in brown paper, to take home. The brewery approves; Cantillon serves the same sorbet for its annual Quintessence, the progressive-style lambic-and-snack party.

Nearby beers: One close option is the Châtelain café, on Place du Châtelain, with Moinette, a few Trappists, and bollekes of draft De Koninck pale ale. Unfortunately I've often found the better beers missing and the De Koninck in poor condition. Luckily, brisk walkers should be able to reach Moeder Lambic St-Gilles in about 15 minutes. Carry along a double-scooped cone of sorbet, and you'll barely notice the time.


  1. Out of interest, how sweet are the sorbets? I've always meant to have a crack at reproducing those at home.


  2. Just sweet enough to balance that bright, tart acidity, and no more than that. The sorbets are more "lambicky" than "fruity," if that makes sense... the musty horseblanket quality even shows through. Fun stuff.

  3. I know Zizi's creams, there the best, and you have not had a sorbet in Brussels if you have not had a Cantillon Sorbet. Highly recomended.

  4. Thanks. I'll let you know how I get on. It's gonna be an expensive experiment!

