Thursday, July 22, 2010

In The Future, All Food Will Be Bacon Lollipops.

There are certain items on menus that I will never be able to resist. Many of them involve pork. I'm weak. I'm a hillbilly from Missouri. And I don't know what to say, except there was never a chance that I wasn't going to order the bacon lollipops at Founding Farmers last night in downtown DC, near the IMF headquarters.

Thick smoked bacon in a cinnamon and brown sugar glaze. The sweetness was actually fairly understated, letting the salt and smoke take the driver's seat. I guess the sticks were just to make it seem like you're not just, you know, eating bacon.

The beer list is reasonably serious at Founding Farmers. It's the kind of place that might have only had the odd pale ale if it existed five or 10 years ago, but these days carries nearly 20 craft options. I'm seeing that in lots of places now. Forgive me for being slow. I'm an unfrozen caveman blogger.

A Bear Republic IPA was just what I needed after a long, hot walk. It went well with the bacon lollis... but then again, what wouldn't?


  1. Bacon lollipops - what a novel idea! Think I will be trying them out this summer on the BBQ.

    Beer Cartel Club

  2. damn, why don't I come up with ideas like that? I mean come on... bacon, stick... genius!!
