Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Brussels is Photogenic.

Check out the video below from WSJ.com... Nice to see this city and its beer getting that kind of attention. Here's to hoping that enthusiasm translates into sales of books that focus on such things.

Also: Just came across a really excellent blog and wanted to share it with you. Joe Ray is Eating the Motherland, taking crisp photos and writing with rhythm along the way. At the moment he appears to be enjoying the hell out of Brussels.

I might've looked the guy up for a beverage if we weren't packing for a trip to Missouri. Another wedding and some Ozarks homebrewing are in our immediate future.


  1. Wedding plus homebrewing? I'm jealous. Let us know what you brew, or help brew. Or watch be brewed. (I'm kind of in to that sort of thing).

  2. Hey Joe,

    Thanks very much for the 'Motherland' compliments - I wish I had found you before I got to Brussels (a.k.a. beer heaven).

    Dig your blog - especially the line: "Well. It would be pretty damn boring if everyone loved all our favorite beers, wouldn't it?"

    More beer blogs on the Motherland and Simon Says soon.


    Joe Ray

    Now Blogging on:
    Eating The Motherland - http://eatingthemotherland.blogspot.com/
    And with Le Figaro food critic Francois Simon at Simon Says! http://francoissimon.typepad.fr/english/
    AND on Globe-trotting, The Boston Globe's travel blog http://www.boston.com/travel/blog/
