Monday, February 2, 2009

Coming Soon: Super Close-Up Photos of Pork Scratchings. Hopefully Stuck in Somebody's Beard.

We enjoyed the BBC's Super Bowl coverage last night, or this morning I should say. As I told a friend: On the downside, we didn't see all the American TV commercials. On the upside, we didn't see all the American TV commercials.

Instead of a jug of Girardin lambic we went with a 5L one from Drie Fonteinen this time. Whereas the Girardin was softer and highly drinkable in the neutral sense of the word, the Drie Fonteinen seemed more sharp, acidic and just flavorful. It was heavenly. I think someday all us lambic geeks should take up a collection and buy Armand a big-budget Super Bowl TV commercial, complete with talking animals and scantily clad women.

Speaking of real ale (weren't we?), I'm off to England this weekend. I aim to conduct an anthropological study of British beer geekery. And to drink a little. This includes a Thursday night visit to a fest in Chelmsford. Podge has promised me pork scratchings, at last. And a Friday paying-of-respects at Stonch's pub. I think it's in the beer-blogger bylaws that I'm legally bound to stop in there. It is written.

Chelmsford's beer list is here. Any recommendations? I'm almost totally ignorant of British beer except what was commonly available in the States. I'm a blank slate. Ready to be corrupted. Looking forward to it.


  1. There are some great breweries there. If I had to choose a few...

    Crouch Vale and Dark Star are excellent and I've never had a bad one from them yet. Mighty Oak are fairly local to Chelmsford and the Mild is great.

  2. It's all a bit foggy. Good thing I took notes.

    I did get to pop into the Crouch Vale pub, Queen's Head, before the festival. Nice little spot. Hope to have more on this in the next couple of days.
